Welcome to the Labour Department and how may we help you?
The Labour Department is here to be of service to you – our workers, our employers and all other stakeholders. If it is a labour education session you are interested in or you wish to consult us on a labour matter, please give us a call. Our Labour Officers, Employment Officers and the Labour Commissioner will make it possible.
The Labour Department also stands ready to work with all stakeholders on special projects in order to address issues including decent work, employment rights, social protection, occupational health and safety, and child labour. Our Labour Officers, Employment Officers and Labour Commissioner will make it possible.

So including Trade Unions, Employers and international organizations, the International Labour Organization and the World Bank, on issues of local and global importance including child labour, decent work, social protection and a national employment policy.
You can be assured of the Labour Department’s commitment and that of the Government of Belize to ensure that the country produces and maintains a very skilled, competent, agile and productive labour force. Similarly, there is the commitment that policies and programmes will continue to be developed to ensure that trade unions and employers achieve their strategic goals that will further strengthen labour, foster collaboration, build consensus and goodwill and financial success. It is against this background that we have pledged to continue to promote tripartism and social dialogue in order to adhere to local and international labour laws and conventions – not only because we have a duty to do, but also because these laws and conventions are the driving force behind nationhood and development, labour protection and a stable and thriving labour market and economy.